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How our children learn

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela

The Early Years Foundation Stage

Planning for your child’s learning needs will be based on ‘The revised Early Years Foundation Stage’ strategy.  Each child’s interests and developmental needs will be established through ongoing observation, assessment and sharing of information with children, parents and other carers. The information gathered will help us to plan activities specific to your child’s individual needs.


Within the seven areas, three are known as the ‘prime areas’; Personal, social and emotional development, Communication and language and Physical development, with the remaining four areas as ‘specific areas’, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.


For children under three we concentrate on developing good skills in the prime areas. These three areas are seen as vital for children, particularly as good social and communication skills are needed to be able to develop their learning.


As these areas become established we use the specific areas to enhance your child’s learning.


For any child whose progress gives us concern, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, will with parents permission seek help and support from appropriate agencies.

Our daily routine


Children hang up coats and self register. They then can choose freely from a wide range of resources which are carefully selected to help the children learn and progress  through their play.

Snack bar – children can choose when to come to the snack bar within this time. We provide snacks, these include apples, bananas, cheese and crackers, toast, cereal with milk or water to drink.


All children are encouraged to help tidy away activities.


Circle time   The staff plan and lead activities which are designed to help the children to develop good sitting and listening skills appropriate to their age and stage of learning and development, including songs, stories, and games.


Children go outside to play. We provide a variety of activities and resources to stimulate children’s learning and development, including a sand or soil pit, climbing and balancing ,  ball games,  playhouse, reading den, large scale construction, cars, water play and painting.

12.15 /1.15

Home Time   The staff and children say our short Nursery prayer together. and then parents and carers pick up at the front door.

We also offer the opportunity to bring a packed lunch and stay until 1.15pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Staff sit and eat alongside the children and once lunch is finished free play is available.



The Importance of Play

Our learning in nursery is always through play. We offer a wide variety of resources laid out in defined, but not fixed, areas. These include books, games, puzzles, art and craft, role play, construction, cars, sand and water, playdough  and ICT. Children have free access to these resources and staff work actively amongst the children to encourage and extend children as they learn through their own interests and  at their own pace.

For our more able children we offer small group times where we seek to challenge and extend their learning.

Our younger children have smaller ‘circle times’ where they can be supported in a quieter atmosphere.


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